Longarm Quilting

May 3, 2014


Despite the fact that it’s been quiet here on the blog-front, i’ve actually been quite busy quilting for others.  Much of what i’ve been doing lately i’m not able to share, as they have been for future publications as well as for Spring Quilt Market.  When the time arrives, I will share fuller pictures of those pieces of work, but for now I thought i’d share a little peek of those quilts, as well as quilts I can share more of.



Quilting on two different quilts for a favorite client.  But I can’t say who, or for what yet.  I will be able to share one soon.



This is Darcy’s star quilt.  I drew up the simple swirls and had my Statler stitch it out.  I love the precision of the swirls using the computer.  It was a perfect for for this quilt, and for Darcy.  I know how she likes things to be precise.



This is another of Darcy’s quilts.  She loves baptist fan’s and always wanted to have a quilt quilted with it.  I think this is the perfect quilt for the pattern.  Quilting all of the various Far Far Away collections was such fun.



Amanda sent me this king size quilt to quilt up for her.  I stared at it for awhile and said: It needs wood grain quilting.  Luckily, she agreed with me.  I couldn’t be happier with the results.  It was the perfect quilting for the top.

There are more, but i’m not always the best about photos.  I know I need to be better about that, it is my business after all.  I have a quilt that just arrived on my doorstep and another about to arrive as well as a quilt in the waiting, so there will be more to share in the coming weeks.  I am making a pledge to be much better about taking photos of my quilting work.  You have my permission to kick me if I forget.

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