Quilting Anna’s < > Quilt

June 17, 2015


Today i’m sharing photos of Anna’s < > Quilt from her new book Handmade Style.  I just love the simplicity of this quilt!  It’s so “Dutch Modern” to me, and perfectly fits Anna’s style.  I wasn’t at all surprised when I pulled this top out to quilt.  Anna and I talked briefly about the pattern and both arrived at this simple design.


The design is a simple repeat that I drew up in AutoSketch and had the Statler (computer) quilt out.  I made sure to center the diamonds into the center yellow space for the best effect.  While it is essentially an “edge-to-edge” design, it was important to me that it be properly placed.



For such a simple design, I couldn’t be more thrilled with how it turned out.  I knew as soon as I saw this I was going to have to make one of my own.  I love her use of the yellow with subtly printed white prints.  I’m pretty sure i’m going to need to use this same yellowy-green fabric.


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