
  • Freezing Rain Table Runner Pattern

    Sometimes Crafter February 28, 2013

    Finally!  It’s time to release the Freezing Rain Table Runner pattern.  I originally designed this to be a quilt, in different colors than you see here.  The original quilt design is called Liquid Sunshine and I hope to get that completed after the quilt pattern that is coming up next.  Lupin at Modern Domestic asked if we could turn the idea into a table runner for the holidays and specifically asked for these colors as kind of a modern, winter…

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  • Retro Flowers Quilt Pattern

    Sometimes Crafter September 5, 2011

    **TEMPLATES can now be purchased at TCR Engraving on Etsy.** Here it is!  The Retro Flowers Quilt!  I have been busy working away over here these last few weeks.  I was finishing up this quilt that had been sitting on the table and design wall for several months.  I had shown this pattern in the drafting phases to a few friends, and it got high marks from everyone, so I thought I should probably get making it.  I am so…

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