Stacked {Whatever} Block

April 17, 2010


I know, real inventive name.  But I had no idea what to call it.  And I can’t seem to find a name based on my searches.  I can’t imagine this block doesn’t have a name yet, seems how I’ve seen it around for years now.  I do like Stacked Bolts/Bricks/Books.  I will let you decide what it’s a stack of.


Of course, if you turn the block clockwise it is no longer stacked bolts/bricks/books.  It looks more like a seismograph of an earthquake.  That could just be the geologist in me.  But that’s beside the point.  This is the next block in the Quilt-Along.  This would be “December’s” block.  Originally the inspiration for this was a photo called “Sound Waves” by Film in the Fridge.  But the photo is no longer available to view on her photostream, so you will just have to check it out in the mosaic that was built for this project.  I decided to go with more of a random stack.  Liz reminded me last night of an Anna Maria Horner fabric that looks like this called “Volumes”.  I’m assuming she means volumes of books.

Anyways, it’s not a particularly difficult block, but sometimes it’s nice to have someone else work it out for you.  I’ve done just that.  It is more of an improvised kind of block, but I’ve also given you some measurements if you prefer.  I know sometimes I just want to reproduce the exact thing and measurements are nice.  Even when improvising.  Again, I’ve made it a PDF for you to download.  I can’t wait to see what you make!

Stacked Quilt Block (PDF)

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