
  • Improv Diamonds Quilt

    Sometimes Crafter April 4, 2015

    I started this quilt two years ago as a baby shower gift.  I don’t have a lot of friends from my school days, but Betsy is one i’ve known since she came to our high school as a Freshman.  I was a year ahead and a teacher assistant in one of her classes, and it was through that class we became friends.  I can’t remember the reason, but I wasn’t able to make her baby shower two years ago, but…

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  • Inside My Quilting Studio

    Sometimes Crafter October 24, 2014

    I am so excited to be sharing this post with you today!  Shortly after “remodeling” my studio last winter for the arrival of my new, bigger longarm, Heather of HK Power Studio contacted me to see if I would like to be part of her Inside the Studio series.  I asked for a few months so I could finish putting my studio back together, and by the time she had contacted me again I pretty much had everything where I…

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  • Halloween Quilt Tutorial

    Sometimes Crafter October 2, 2014

    {Tutorial found in the post below} Today on the Benartex blog, Sew in Love {with Fabric}, I have a tutorial on how to make this fun Halloween Medallion Quilt. With the use of From Marti Michell’s Kaleido-Ruler, and a few fabulous prints from Benartex, the quilt came together very quickly and remedied my need for a Halloween quilt. With the many interruptions a mom can expect, I made this in two afternoons, but could have easily completed it in a…

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  • Modern Hexagons

    Sometimes Crafter July 17, 2014

    I needed a little crafty break the other day.  Our property keeps me busy this time of year, and then longarm quilting has been keeping me busy when i’m not outside, so I haven’t been terribly creative lately.  Sometimes I just need to sit and mindlessly craft.  Hexagons seemed like the perfect solution.  I spotted this perfectly modern hexagon mini in my Pinterest feed (link in the sidebar) a few weeks ago and just knew I was going to have to…

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  • Longarm Quilting + Things To Know

    Sometimes Crafter May 21, 2014

    Sarah at Crinkle Love, who has a naturally lit quilting space to die for, is sharing a post today called – 10 Things Your Longarm Quilter Wants You to Know.  Sarah had the idea a few weeks ago to do a post talking about the things a longarm quilter would like for their clients to know before sending in their quilt to be quilted.  Of course, we all talk about the important things to remember on our quilting prep pages, but…

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  • Quilting The Day Away

    Sometimes Crafter February 10, 2014

    It has been cold and snowy here these past few days, but I didn’t mind one bit.  I have been thoroughly enjoying quilting on my new machine.  It has opened up so many more possibilities for me and i’m so excited to explore them all.  I’m really glad to have a quilt waiting in the wings that needed some custom quilting attention.  I am so excited to see this one quilted, and it’s such a bummer I have to wait…

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  • Longarm Quilting Again!

    Sometimes Crafter February 6, 2014

    I’ve been waiting years to get a new longarm.  I’m so glad that it’s finally here.  I’ve been learning how it works and have started to learn AutoSketch so I can design my own patterns for it.  The computer is fun and i’m glad to have it, but quilting free-motion is fantastic.  It’s so light and smooth running.  I went with the biggest model, the 30″, and was a little worried about being able to maneuver it because of it’s…

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  • Collage Mini Quilts

    Sometimes Crafter January 24, 2014

    Don’t miss out on the giveaway Modern Sewciety is having for one of my calendars and a set of my PDF sewing patterns!  While you’re there, be sure to listen to our chat on the Podcast. +  +  + Brice and I spent the last week in California visiting family.  Because of his alternating kindergarten schedule, and the holiday weekend, we had a week off school (and then one day back for another long weekend).  My dad flew us down,…

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  • Trucks and Tractors Quilt

    Sometimes Crafter October 8, 2013

    Laurie Wisbrun has designed the cutest line of fabrics featuring trucks and tractors.  With a little boy in need of a bed quilt I couldn’t say no when Laurie asked if I’d like to play with the new line.  They are great prints for a quilt that has large spaces to show them off in.  It was one of those lines of fabric that I knew exactly the quilt I wanted to make with it. This quilt is the Crazy…

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